The St. Pius X Ushers is a great way for just about any man in our Parish to get involved in an important ministry. The Ushers are comprised of registered Parishioners of St. Pius who are over the age of 18.

Ushering doesn’t require much time outside of your normal Mass schedule. Ushers normally arrive at mass just a few minutes early and stay just a few extra minutes after mass ends. Whether you’re a young man with kids, an older one with grandkids, or someone in between, the Usher’s ministry is a great way to serve your Parish when you don’t have a lot of extra time. It’s also great for those men who never seem to know which mass they’ll be attending on any given week. Many of our Ushers serve every week, but others serve on an as-needed basis. Our ministry at St. Pius doesn’t require you to commit to a regularly scheduled Mass time either. Ushers are allowed to serve at any Mass they choose to attend. Ushers simply show up a few minutes early and let the Captain know they want to help.

Besides their usual duties – greeting & helping to seat parishioners, passing the collection baskets, and handing out bulletins after each Mass, the Ushers also perform special assignments from time to time, like taking periodic head counts or collecting ballots for our Parish Council elections.

If you are interested in joining the Ushers or simply want to learn more about this very important ministry, please talk to the Usher Captain at the next mass you attend. He’ll be the guy handing out the Usher name tags before Mass. If he needs help, you can get started that same day. If all the tags are handed out and he doesn’t need your assistance, please try again later. We’re always happy to have new members in this important ministry. After you’ve served a couple of times and you feel that you “know the ropes”, you are welcome to serve at any Mass that you attend. Again, just talk to the Usher Captain at that Mass.

For more information contact Peter Sahuc, Sr., Ministry Leader