Why join the Knights of Columbus?
Joining the Knights of Columbus is a way Catholic men can live out our faith through Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
If you’d like to join our St. Pius X Council 8901 and help us to serve our Church, Families and Community, please click on the button below:

Who can join?
All Catholic men over 18 years of age are welcome as the Council will need the younger generation to replace the “old guard.”
When do we meet?
The Knights of Columbus meet monthly:
- On the 3rd Thursday.
- In the Parish Life Center.
- At 6:15pm.
History of the St. Pius X Council 8901
St. Pius X Council #8901 was founded in 1985. The members of Council #8901 work closely with the St. Pius X Elementary School (SPES) and the Parish, providing funds for various projects. There are also various activities which members can participate in, which will be published in St. Pius X’s communications throughout the year. Some members have been with Council #8901 since the beginning.
Events Hosted by the St. Pius X Knights of Columbus

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