Mass Intentions are published in the bulletin which allows St. Pius X's faith community to pray for your loved ones who have passed away. Those who are still living are recognized as "Special Intention" in the bulletin since it is parish policy to print names of only those who are deceased.
You may place an intention for your loved one at any of the scheduled Masses, except Wednesday's at 6 a.m. (reserved for the All Souls List) and Sunday's at 9 a.m. (reserved for all parishioners).
For names to be published in the bulletin, please submit the attached form with your payment two weeks before the date requested. You can submit your form and payment to the Parish Office (600 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette, LA 70508) or via mail (P.O. Box 80489, Lafayette, LA 70598-0489. We apologize that online payments for Mass Intentions can't be accepted.
Mass Intention Form