Mission Appeal March 29th-30th
As you know, twice a year we have a mission appeal here at St. Pius. One is for a local cause (last year our very own Brupbacher family presented an appeal for their missionary work in Nepal through Family Mission Company), and the other is for a cause determined by our Diocesan Missionary Cooperative Program (in which we will participate later this year). Next weekend we are happy to welcome our local cause for this year, Food with Love, who will make its appeal through its founder, Kent Zerangue (a parishioner of St. Pius X!). In its material mission, Food with Love provides prepared meals to those who are receiving hospice care. However, its mission goes much deeper than just providing food, as they bring not only food, but in addition they bring the Love of Christ to each patient and household they visit. Each visit reminds patients of the dignity of every person God creates from conception until natural death, and the hope that comes from Christ’s Love during a time of suffering. Indeed, Food with Love serves the most vulnerable, and at times forgotten, of our brothers and sisters.
We look forward to welcoming Mr. Zerangue on March 29th-30th. Below is an introduction to Food with Love with a QR Code that you can use for donations. There will also be a second offertory next weekend and other explanatory materials and information on ways to give available for you to review next weekend. As always, thanks in advance for your generosity!
-Fr. Brady
(Select “Food With Love” when filling out the donation form.)