Eucharistic Revival at St. Pius

The Bishops of the United States are calling all parishioners across the country to enter into the National Eucharistic Revival.  It is a national effort to deepen our understanding of Jesus in the Eucharist.  Our patron saint, St. Pius X, called young children to receive the Eucharist and encouraged participation in the Mass all over the world.  He als called all Catholics to receive the Eucharist more often. 

This Revival is an opportunity to remember the heritage St. Pius X gave us and embrace it into the future for our community, our children, and the world.  It begins with each person engaging in and renewing a relationship with Jesus whose presence is with us always.

This year is a once in a lifetime experience for our parish, our diocese, and every parish in the United States.  It is an invitation for us to embark on a spiritual journey along other members in our community, the entire nation and the world.

General Overview

To help parishioners engage in this experience, we have put together opportunities and resources that will allow parishioners to learn about our faith, to grow in faith, and in our relationship with Jesus. 

To explore these and more, visit St. Pius X’s Eucharistic Revival Resources Page.  Also, check out the weekly bulletin and visit the kiosk in the Gathering Area of the Church.

Check back here for more activities and updates as they occur.

Eucharistic Revival: Year of Mission

This is the year of Mission for the Eucharistic Revival. Just like Jesus prepared His disciples for mission, there is a path that we can also take to prepare. The first and most important step is to encounter and deepen our relationship with Jesus. Jesus in the Eucharist invites us to receive His love and allow Him to transform us into His likeness. The series being offered, Into His Likeness by Dr. Edward Sri, will help us on our journey with Jesus. 

Let us all pray that we grow closer to Jesus, encountering Him in the Eucharist. May we be open to Jesus so that we can become who He has called us to be. We only need to be open and receptive of His love for us. Your relationship with Jesus will change your heart, for you, your family, and for those who are waiting for someone to help them on their journey.

For more information on what’s coming up in our Eucharistic Revival activities please contact Donna Lemaire at

Here are a few good resources to explore: