We are thrilled to be able to accommodate all our groups on St. Pius X campus this year, now that the beautiful ministry building has been completed! For this exciting return to campus, we are bringing back the most popular study we’ve offered in the past 7 years of our Walking with Purpose parish program — Ordering Your Priorities by Lisa Brenninkmeyer. Even if you’ve done this study before, there are always new insights for the Holy Spirit to bring to you. You’re 2 years ahead of where you were then — maybe you’ve added a new baby to your family, gotten a new job, or kids have graduated from elementary, middle, or high school. This new season you’re in will bring new revelations and different ways to reexamine or shift your priorities.
The 8-session study Ordering Your Priorities:
Days/Times you can choose from:
Spring Bible Study:

  • Tuesday 9 – 10:30am
  • Wednesday 9 -10:30am
  • Wednesday 6 -7:30pm
  • Friday 1 – 2:30pm 

Magnify Bible Study Coordinators

Ashley David

Walking With Purpose 
Pastoral Coordinator

Emily Rinaldi

Walking With Purpose
Operational Coordinator

Bible Study Leaders – Tuesday Mornings

Lyndi Briese 

“Walking with Purpose helps me to live a life in service to God using his words to get me through the day and also share his light with others. The ACTS retreat is what led me to want to do more with my faith and being a part of a Bible study keeps me Accountable. I truly enjoy the wisdom I have gained from listening to others’ interpretations of each study.” – Lyndi Briese 

Tammy McCormick

“The Bible study helps me be consistent with spending time in scripture. The scheduled study helps discipline and enables me to be accountable every week. Love the discussions in our group.  I am constantly learning from others in our group.” – Tammy McCormick

Dana Oehl

“I stumbled upon the Magnify community amidst one of the most challenging seasons of my life and it has been nothing short of a divine intervention. The women I have met in the Bible studies have created such a beautiful community for me. I love the way Walking with Purpose keeps me accountable and consistent in my prayer life and has proven to be very formative in my spirituality.” – Dana Oehl

Bible Study Leaders – Wednesday Mornings

Ashley David 

Frances Angers

“This experience has given me the structure  and extra nudge that I needed in my spiritual journey. I have enjoyed meeting other women who are experiencing similar life challenges to mine. I’m very glad I agreed to join this fabulous group of ladies who strive to deepen their relationship with God.” Frances Angers

Bible Study Leaders – Wednesday Evenings

Alysia Gauthreaux  

“Walking With Purpose bible study absolutely changed my life! I prayed for christ-centered women in my life, and when I signed up for WWP bible study I had no idea that one yes would lead to so many fruitful life changing moments.  That yes to join a bible study small group introduced me to authentic catholic community, which led to me leading bible studies and eventually becoming the leadership director of Magnify Women’s Community.  I knew I was searching for something more… but God had so much more in store though this bible study than I ever dreamed of. Best Yes without a doubt! I invite you to join a bible study and just see what the Lord can do…” – Alysia Gauthreaux

Jessica Eckert

My favorite part about the WWP Bible Study community is meeting Christ-centered women who I may not have encountered otherwise.” – Jessica Eckert 

Missy Neveu

“WWP Bible study has helped deepen my faith in God. I love learning more about our beautiful faith. My favorite part of being a part of the community is being surrounded with women on the same journey I am on. I am a couple of Bible studies in, and I just can’t seem to get enough knowledge. I want to learn all of it! (Impossible, I know). I am very happy that God spoke to me and guided me to say “yes” to Bible studies.” – Missy Neveu

Bible Study Leaders- Friday Afternoons

Emily Rinaldi

“WWP Bible study has helped me grow in my faith by making God’s Word approachable and relatable. I’ve come to completely trust God’s goodness and love for me through spending time studying and praying with scripture, guided by these Bible studies. I also love having a community of women to journey alongside, pray with and for, and keep me accountable.”  – Emily Rinaldi

Amanda McAlister

“I chose WWP Bible study to help me dig into scripture and know it more deeply. I also desired a community of like-minded women, seeking to fill their hearts with God’s truth. WWP Bible Study has delivered in both aspects!” – Amanda McCalister

Toye Gaspard

“I believe God made us for community and joining a bible study provided me with a wonderful community of women that I can journey towards Christ with.  Women in all stages of life and faith come together in these groups to deepen their faith, encourage one another and pray together.” – Toye Gaspard

Melanie Foreman

“WWP changed my life by giving me a community of women that are seeking the path to Heaven, a support group to help walk with me on my journey! My favorite part about the WWP Bible Study is meeting people on their journey, where they are and learning how God is working in each of them and through them for my own healing process. I chose to join a Bible Study because I was looking for others who enjoyed seeking out Christ in the ordinary and mundane tasks that we find ourselves in while growing a family. I am so glad I gave my yes, because my life is forever changed by those I have come to know and love.” – Melanie Foreman 

Mary Manuel

“I have enjoyed being able to share the Lord’s influence in my life with other women.  I enjoy learning from others what they are seeing and learning from the Lord.  Each week, I learn of new ways God is working in our lives.  I am so very grateful to be a part of that experience. I have been involved with small groups in other denominations.  I want to bring what I have learned to the Catholic community.  I love experiencing God’s love with others.  I enjoy doing life with these women, walking in faith.” – Mary Manuel

Paloma Stephenson

“I choose the Bible Study based on very real need for spiritual growth, continued education through targeted study, in a women-only small group. Yes, of course I’m glad to give my “yes”! We are able to help each other in The Word and in prayer.” – Paloma Stephenson