Why Become an Altar Server?
- Are baptized members of the Catholic Church
- Have received first Holy Communion
- Are registered parishioner of the St. Pius X family
- Are in 4th -12th grade
- Wish to serve God
- It’s a future vocation. According to a recent study, 75% of the 2012 class of seminarians were altar servers. It’s no coincidence that when your children fall in love with the Mass, they fall deeper in love with God.
- Altar servers enjoy serving together and can make friends with other boys and girls outside their peer group. We are called to live in community and this is a wonderful community in which to belong.
- It’s a way to grow in respect and understanding of the Mass. Remember when it was all you could do to get your child to sit still during Mass? Serving the faith community in this real way brings a different perspective, as they sit on the altar.
- It’s an opportunity to serve. By learning to serve others, children learn the value of giving the very best of themselves, as they give back to their community.
- It’s an opportunity for leadership. Altar servers start by shadowing other altar servers. Our priests are so kind and patient as they learn! Older altar servers mentor younger servers. They take pride in making sure the Mass goes smoothly. Fine young men and women learn to be a leader by example.
For more information please contact Jennifer Russo at jenniferr@stpiusxchurch.org.