Adoration with Benediction is held every 1st Wednesday of the month. At 6pm in the Church.

Please note that holidays or bad weather may affect this schedule.

What is Adoration?

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is affirmation of our core belief in the true presence of Christ’s body and blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist.
Perpetual Adoration at St. Pius X continues to grow and the parish is blessed to have many people committed to praying for an hour, weekly, in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
See below to sign up as a weekly Adorer or a substitute. 

Hours in Need of Adorers

After viewing which hours need Adorers, please fill out the form below, or stop by the parish office to fill out a hard copy of the form.

Adoration Times

  • Sun. – Sat. 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Mon. – Fri. 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 6:00 PM 

Weekly Adorer Sign-Up


Interested in being a substitute Adorer?

Would you like to spend more time with Jesus?

St. Pius X is looking for people willing to serve as substitute Adorers when a weekly Adorer has a conflict. This would not be a weekly commitment, but simply an opportunity to serve on an as needed basis. We have created a group text through a free app called #GroupMe which will send a group text to notify you when a substitute is needed. If you would like to join this group so that you can be notified when a substitute is needed and serve if you are available, we NEED you!

To join contact Katie Martin, at 

Thank you in advance for the generous gift of your time. We pray that you will continue to experience the graces which flow from Adoration.