St. Pius X parishioners can also access the parishes Formed subscription to watch videos or listen to podcasts on thousands of resources published by reknowned Catholic authors. Visit to sign-up or sign-in. Search by Zip Code (70508) to find St. Pius X's subscription. |
Ministry | Description |
A.C.T.S. Retreats | For more details visit the ACTS Retreats web page or contact [email protected] (general info), [email protected] (men's retreats) or [email protected] (women's retreats). |
Adult Confirmation | For more information, please visit the Adult Confirmation web page or contact [email protected]. |
Bible Study | There are a variety of bible study classes to choose from. They are usually held in the fall and spring. There is an ongoing morning bible study group that meets on Tuesday mornings in the Annex led by Mrs. Judy Corne. Judy may be reached at 337-232-6070. The other bible study groups include various approved series. If interested or need more information, contact Mrs. Teresa Margaglio @ 337-298-0631 or email her at [email protected]. |
Come, Lord Jesus! | Come Lord Jesus! Inspires and assist Catholics to live out the Gospel message to the fullest. Through weekly meetings, prayer, and scriptural study, members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses and dedicated parish ministers. The program is based on the three-year cycle of Sunday readings; the group reflects upon one reading each week. Groups are offered at various days/times. For more information, contact Marianne Hebert at the Come, Lord Jesus! office 337-233-6277. |
Conquest | An apostolate of Regnum Christi, Conquest is a well-established program for boys that builds character and virtue in a fun environment tailored to their needs. As the “brother” program to Challenge, the corresponding program for girls, it is highly organized with a strong Catholic identity and a network of clubs throughout North America. Boys and girls who have gone through this program have benefitted from the personal and spiritual formation that these Catholic youth programs bring, becoming student leaders and young adults of strong character who are strong in their faith. Visit for more information on the program as well as for upcoming retreats for 5th-8th grade boys in Covington, La. Please contact Phillip or Michele Noel for additional information at [email protected] or 337-288-3577. |
Magnify Women's Ministry | Formerly known as Mother's Ministry, this ministry is designed for mothers of our parish who seek to foster a Catholic community through prayer, learning, service & fellowship. Some activities include bible study, Mother’s Night Out, service opportunities, Meal Train and play dates. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit their web page at: |
Pius Senior Organization (PSO) | Pius Senior Organization is a fellowship for those who are 55 years old and older. This delightful social is hosted by St. Pius X Parish. On the third Thursday of every month (except for June, July and August), participants bring side dishes while the parish provides the entrée and drinks. For more information, contact: LeRoy Abshire at 337.230.5476 or [email protected]. |
Pro-Life Ministry | The Pro-Life Ministry promotes this awareness through pro-life activities. Ministry members do not attend regular monthly meetings, instead a small contribution of your time is asked to spread the message. You will find the ministry at work during Respect Life Month in October and during the observance of the Roe v. Wade decision in January. Just by bringing awareness to one per-son, you have assisted in delivering God’s message of life. From post cards to prayers, there are many ways of displaying and assisting this ministry. |
OCIA | For more information including contact information, visit the RCIA web page. |
St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers | St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers promotes fatherhood and serves as an educational and fellowship opportunity. Meetings held the 1st Thursday of each month include a luncheon with a guest speaker (usually a Priest) who speaks on topics specific to men. The group meets at 11:45 a.m. at Ground Pati on Kaliste Saloom Rd. There is no formal membership; just a desire to learn to be better husbands & fathers. To learn more, please contact Rick Cambre at [email protected]. Or, you may simply show up at the monthly meeting. All are welcome! |
SPES (St. Pius Elementary School) | St. Pius is a Catholic Elementary School centered in the Eucharist, bringing the presence of Christ to others. The St. Pius community serves our students and families by radiating hope, pursuing academic excellence, valuing a love of learning and living the Catholic Faith as leaders in ministry and service. For more information, visit: |
TMIY (That Man Is You) | That Man is You! offers weekly meetings designed to provide men with the opportunity to receive and apply relevant information to issues facing men today. The essential elements of the weekly program include: gathering for breakfast, video presentation and small group discussions. The meetings are held at St. Pius X on Saturday mornings at 6:00 a.m. in the Parish Life Center in the Fall & Spring. For more information, please contact Mr. Rick Cambre @ 337-298-0117 or [email protected]. |
Youth Ministry | For more information, please visit the ministries' web pages: