The need to give back to God through our financial and other resources we were blessed with is founded on the concept that God has given us all that we have and are. This may be a hard concept to digest after we complete a full week of work, have just paid our mortgage with the money we’ve earned, or have just took a significant pay cut because of the descent in our local economy. However, if we remember that our giving is actually just giving back something that wasn’t ours to begin with, we can begin to give to the Lord with a gracious and loving heart, selflessly and sacrificially. To us, it becomes more than a kind gesture or an obligation, it becomes something we want to do from the bottom of our heart.
Giving Table
This table can help us determine what our present percentage of giving is. Some of us may wish to increase our giving to a percentage that is proportionate to what God has given to us. Others who take smaller baby steps may still be taking a giant leap of faith. There is no “right” or “wrong” amount.
Annual Income
Weekly Offertory Amount
$ 10,000
$ 4.00
$ 8.00
$ 20,000
$ 8.00
$ 30,000
$ 40,000
$ 50,000
$ 60,000
$ 70,000
$ 80,000
$ 90,000
$ 100,000
$ 150,000
To get an estimate closer to your income or desired giving percentage, please approximate by calculating the above amounts accordingly.